Sunday, June 5, 2022

tinkercat H-bridge and motor

click buttons to change motor direction
void setup()
  DDRD = 0b01101100;  //pin 2, 3, 5, 6 output
  PORTD = 0b01000100; //set initial motor directions
  PCICR = 0b00000001;  //interrupt group 1
  PCMSK0 = 0b00000011; //pin 7 interrupt

void loop()

  //if interrupt on pin 8(PB0), toggle pin 2, 3
  if ( (PINB&(1<<0)) ){
  PORTD ^= 0b00001100;
  //if interrupt on pin 9(PB1), toggle pin 5, 6
  if ( (PINB&(1<<1)) ){
  PORTD ^= 0b01100000;


port register

H bridge driver

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