Sunday, February 27, 2022

blender 18 animation geometry node 2

add -> random value
multiply points speed by random value

each point moves at different speed

add -> instance on points before output
feed sprinkles to instances
feed random value vector to rotation

points are replaced with sprinkles

add -> rotate euler -> select axis angle
divide #frame by 10 and feed to euler angle

each sprinkle rotates as frame # increase

multiply sprinkle rotation speed by random value and feed to euler angle

sprinkles moves at different speeds and rotations

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Russia attacks Ukraine day 3


blender 17 animation geometry node 1

add a plane behind donut

in geometry node, add -> points -> distribute points

add -> geometry -> set position

add -> utility -> random value
change to random to vector type

add -> geometry -> set position
hover over offset field, press I to insert a frame at #0

shift + right arrow to go to the end frame #100
change offset, press I to insert key frame again

press space to play animation

right click on set position -> delete key frames
add -> input -> value
input value #frame. during animation frame # will be the value
add -> search -> combinedXYZ
only offset value in z axis

press space, points move in z axis

select divide node -> ctrl + J to create annotation
press N to open property window

connect speed of animation to x axis also


Why Russia is Invading Ukraine

Friday, February 25, 2022

30 Largest Cities in Russia

blender 16 animation graph editor

create a simple rotation animation in layout mode

in animation tab, select graph editor

scroll to zoom horizontally, ctrl + scroll to zoom vertically

delete x, y euler rotation by select and press X

z axis rotation starts at -30 degree ends at 690 degree 

ctrl + right click to add a key frame at frame #50

adjust lever of key frame 50 so that slope is smooth

adjust lever at frame #0 to ease in 

animation rotation speed follows the graph editor


Russia attacks Ukraine day 2

Thursday, February 24, 2022


blender 15 simple animation

change to Y axis view, ctrl + Alt + number pad 0 to center camera

select icing, shift + select donut
ctrl + P -> object
icing becomes the child of donut, when donut moves, so is icing

rotate donut 60 degree along x axis

adjust resolution in scene property
change where to save animation in output directory
update start and end frame #

adjust focal length in camera property

uncheck visibility for object not shown on render

move frame slider to #1
select donut, press I -> location to insert location
move frame slider to #100
press G to move donut, press I -> location to insert location again

in render tab, select render animation

Russia attacks Ukraine day 1

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

blender 14 collection color

select sprinkles collection, ctrl + L -> link materials
in material property, change color of one sprinkle, others change as well 

in shading tab, select sprinkle collection
add -> input -> object info
feed random into base color

add -> converter -> colorramp
change start and end colors to create color gradient

change color ramp type to constant
no more gradient color in between

in color ramp, click + to add a new color
adjust slider position to increase or decrease the occurrence of the color 

Why Everywhere in the US is Starting to Look the Same

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

blender 13 collection

add subsurf division to icing particle

in edit mode, ctrl + R to generate a loop in the middle
drag and drop the loop to the end
generate another loop and move to the other end

in object mode, shift + D to copy icing particle 4 times
press Y to place new copies along Y axis

in edit mode, select display wireframe, 
select an end of sprinkle, press G + X to extend

ctrl + R to add middle loop, click to confirm position
press G + Y to move the loop along Y axis, sprinkle is tilted

go back to object mode, select next sprinkle, enter edit mode again
ctrl + R to generate middle loop, scroll wheel to increase # of loops

select z axis view, select an end of sprinkle
press R to rotate in z axis, scroll to adjust rotation diameter

create variety of sprinkles

can select different sprinkles as icing object, but only one can be display at one time

select all types of sprinkles, press M -> new collection

drag and drop sprinkle collection on geometry node
check separate collection and reset collection on collection node
check pick instance on icing node,
feed sprinkle collection to instances on icing
a myriad of sprinkles drizzled on icing