Sunday, May 8, 2022

vivado state machine traffic light

main street A intersect local street B
Sa =1 when there are cars on main street
Sb = 1 when there are cars on local street
state = 0, main street light green, local street light red
state = 1,  main street light yellow, local street light red
state = 2, main street light red, local street light green
state = 3, main street light red, local street light yellow

state = 0, when clock cycle is less than 6, or there is no traffic on local street
otherwise goes to state 1
stay in state 1 for 1 clock cycle, then go to state 2
state = 2 when clock cycle is less than 5, or there is no traffic on main street but lots of cars on local
otherwise goes to state 3
stay in state 3 for 1 clock cycle, then go to state 0


`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module trafficLight(
    input clk,
    input sa,
    input sb,
    input reset,
    output reg [2:0] la,
    output reg [2:0] lb
reg [1:0] state; integer t=0;

always@(posedge clk, posedge reset)
    //light Green Yellow Red
    if(reset) begin state<=2'b00; end
    else begin
        case (state)
        2'b00: begin 
        la<=3'b100; lb<=3'b001;
        if(t<6 | ~sb) state<=state;
        else begin t<=0; state<=2'b01; end
        2'b01: begin state<=2'b10; la<=3'b010; lb<=3'b001; end
        2'b10: begin 
        la<=3'b001; lb<=3'b100;
        if(t<5 | (~sa & sb)) state<=state;
        else begin t<=0; state<=2'b11; end
        2'b11: begin state<=2'b00; la<=3'b001; lb<=3'b010; end


`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module testbench;

reg clk=0, sa=0, sb=0, reset;
wire [2:0] la, lb;

trafficLight UUT(
always #5 clk=~clk;

initial begin 
    #10 reset=1;
    #10 reset=0;
    #80 sb = 1;
    #100 sa = 1;
    #250 sa = 0;
    #50 sb = 0;



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