Sunday, July 31, 2022
blender leaf
add a plane, create 2 loop cuts, shrink both ends
create a loop cut in the middle
ctrl + b to bevel middle line, scroll to have 3 segments
enable vertices merge
slide vertices to the ends
select edges in the middle, g + z to move up in z
select edges in middle, g + z to move down
ctrl + 2 to subdivide
right click -> shade smooth
modifier -> add solidify -> move to the first - increase thickness
shift + right click to set cursor at the end of leaf
object -> set origin -> origin to 3d cursor
alt + d to duplicate, r + z to rotate along z
s to scale, s + y + y to scale along local y
alt + d to duplicate another leaf,
shift + click to select all 3 leaves, ctrl + j to join
scale leaves and move closer to mushrooms
reference:Saturday, July 30, 2022
blender mushroom 2
shift + right click to change origin on top of hat
add a cube
s to scale, ctrl + 2 to subdivide, r to rotate
set snap to face, enable align rotation to target, project individual elements
Alt + d to duplicate bumps, s to scale
select all, shift right click to set origin, right click + p set parent
alt d to duplicate mushroom, move, rotate
Friday, July 29, 2022
Thursday, July 28, 2022
blender mushroom 1
add a circle, e to extrude, s to scale
ctrl + right click to tilt extrude, s to scale
ctrl + right click, s once more
g to move, r to rotate
ctrl + 2 to add subdivision modifier, right click -> shade smooth
alt + click to select top loop
shift + s -> select cursor to selected
extrude circle to create a hat
ctrl + b + scroll to bevel hat and add a segment
select bottom face, press I to intersect
shrink and G to move
select x ray view, select all hat, g to move down, r to rotate
s + z + z to scale on local z axis
ctrl + a to apply all transforms
ctrl + 2 add subdivision
right click shade smooth
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
blender glass with ice 3
add bubble in water
numpad 0 to open camera view
press g + z to move camera
press g + z + z to zoom
in render property, eevee engine
check ambient occlusion, bloom, screen space reflections
in material property, set glass transmission 1,
under viewport display, check screen space refraction
reduce roughness to 0.1
update material property for water
set transmission to 1, ior to 1.323, roughness to 0.01
under viewport display, check screen space refraction.
set ice cube and bubble material to glass
add 500W area light above
add plane below
increase glass and water material base color A in HSVA to 1
change water color to cyan
render preview
add a point light behind to see bubbles
blender straw 2
add extra objects in preferences to activate single vert
mesh add single vert
select vertex, ctrl + shift + B to bevel, increase segments
right click -> convert to curve
increase depth
select curve, subdivide
shift + click to select alternate point
alt + s to scale
right click -> shade smooth
right click -> convert to mesh
object data property -> check auto smooth -> increase angle to 40reference:
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Monday, July 25, 2022
blender straw 1
add a cylinder above cup
ctrl + r to loop cut
edge select 1st and 2nd edge, ctrl + shift + (num pad +) to select all edges
select loop
select individual origin
s to scale
add modifier, simple deform, bend 90 degree
select end loop, f to fill
alt + E to extend circle along normal
press k to select knife tool, press A to enable angle snapping,
press c to cut through, slice through straw tip
select end loop, x to delete vertices
remove circle face on straw tip
modifier -> solidify straw
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