Saturday, November 12, 2022

blender chaplet

s + z + 5 to scale up box, ctrl + r to create 50 loop cuts
add deform modifier, twist in z 450 deg

add a circle curve, add curve modifier to twisted object
select circle as curve, in object property, scale up z until both end touch

ctrl + r to loop cut in middle of faces again
s + shift + z to scale inward, ctrl + b to bevel edges

alt + s to scale up bevel. ctrl + r to loop cut in middle of each face again

add subdivision modifier

add a uv sphere. download wood textures from ambientCG, apply in shading

add new particle system, select hair, select sphere as render object

source -> emit from vertices. disable random

find total vertices in model tab bottom statistic bar

change the emission number to the total of vertices

object data property, select bottom or top edge loop, assign it to a vertex group

particle property -> vertex groups -> density -> select assigned vertex group

press invert button beside. duplicate spheres are eliminated
reduce particle emission number by the amount in the bottom edge loop

particle property, check advanced, check rotation
increase randomize and phase. Each sphere has different rotation
render -> uncheck show emitter.
ctrl + a to apply scale before animation

shader tab -> add background image
set scale animation for circle curve and twist object

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